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  • Writer's pictureLuxy Shan

What to Wear When Visiting Temples in Thailand

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

If you're planning a trip to Thailand, you're in for a treat! The country is full of vibrant culture, stunning scenery, and DELICIOUS food. However, when it comes to visiting temples, it's important to know the dress code so you can show respect for Thai customs and beliefs.

Let me tell you about my experience visiting a temple in Thailand. I was super excited to explore the beautiful architecture and artwork of this sacred site, but as soon as I got there, I was refused entry because I was not dressed appropriately. I had only packed shorts and summer clothes because of the hot weather in Thailand, so my knees and shoulders were exposed, and that's a big no-no in Thai culture.

Thankfully, there were plenty of shops nearby selling clothes that covered up my knees and shoulders. I found a beautiful dress that fit the bill and also served as a lovely souvenir of my Thailand trip.

But here's the thing - I learnt that dressing modestly at temples isn't just about following the rules as a tourist. It's about showing respect for Thai culture and religion. By dressing appropriately, you're honouring their beliefs and showing that you care about their traditions. It's a way of saying "hey, I'm interested in your culture, and I want to learn more about it.”

If you're not sure what to wear, don't worry! There are plenty of shops near the temples that sell appropriate clothing. Some shops even offer rental options for those who don't want to buy an outfit. So, there's really no excuse not to dress respectfully when visiting Thailand's temples.

In conclusion, remember to pack some modest clothing when you're planning a trip to Thailand's temples. It's not just about following the rules, but about showing respect for the country's culture and religion. If you forget like me, don’t stress it! You can find beautiful outfits that will serve as a lasting memory of your trip.

Happy travels!

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